Privacy Policy

GDPR General Conditions for Using Rustik House Website

By accessing this website and/or any of its pages, you agree to these terms of use. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions of use, please do not access this website.

Our website provides you with information for general informational purposes and does not guarantee their accuracy at any given time, although we strive to make all information as accurate as possible when published on the site. Vacation home rentals from our portfolio can be booked just from Airbnb.

These General Conditions define the terms of use of the Rustik House website by potential visitors or customers. By accessing and navigating this site, you accept the terms of use described below.

RIGHTS OVER THE CONTENT OF THE WEBSITE, does not transfer ownership of software applications.

RUSTIK HOUSE holds complete and full rights to the title of ownership and therefore all copyrights and patents. You do not have the right to redistribute, sell, decompile, disassemble the software application in a form perceivable by humans.

All information, products, or applications contained on this site are the property of Rustik House, which reserves the right to modify the content and/or structure of the site at any time without prior notice.

The entire content of the website is protected by copyright law, all rights reserved. All rights regarding pages, content, and presentation of the site are owned by Rustik House Copying, modifying, displaying, distributing, transmitting, publishing, marketing, licensing, creating derivative materials, or using the content of the site for any purpose without written confirmation from Rustik House is prohibited.

Access to and use of the page is free and aims to assist users in finding the necessary information as easily and quickly as possible, according to each person’s requirements.

The information on is of general interest and is provided to users free of charge. By the term “user” of this page, any natural or legal person accessing the page is meant. You can copy and print the content of the page for your personal use without commercial intentions. In any other situation, the content of cannot be reproduced, modified, or exploited without the explicit consent of representatives.

Booking vacation homes is done by email at or through the Airbnb platform.  A non-refundable advance will be requested for reservations according to the cancellation policy below. Booking and cancellation through Airbnb are made in accordance with Airbnb’s platform conditions.

Payments for services provided are not made directly on this site. Payments can be made using one of the following methods:

  • Using payment links, agreeing with Airbnb platform conditions.
  • By bank transfer according to the issued invoices.

Cash payments are not possible.

In case you want to cancel the reservation, this can be done 30 calendar days before the date of accommodation as confirmed bookings. The return of the amounts received as an advance from the client as a reservation will be made by Airbnb to the client’s account .

The content of the information refers to a description to a certain degree of detail of the activities, products, and services of Rustik House will not provide any warranty regarding:

  • Avoiding difficult use or interruption in the use of the website;
  • No negative impact on other systems through the use of the website;
  • Absence on the website provided of viruses or other components that could harm users.

Thus, Rustik House cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the website. All information presented on the site regarding products, prices, information, marketing campaigns, and promotions, technical aspects, is provided for informational purposes. Nothing on the site constitutes a firm offer to contract and cannot engage the responsibility of Amigio in the absence of subsequent agreements.

The content of the web page, information, and other materials presented by the Community do not constitute legal advice within the meaning of Law no. 51/1995.

GDPR is a set of rules based on complex principles, which is open to interpretation and contains numerous areas in which Member States are invited to intervene. Currently, there are very few guidelines regarding the implementation of GDPR, and it is possible that Supervisory Authorities have different views from those expressed in this template. Despite our efforts to provide the best services, we cannot accurately anticipate how the Supervisory Authority or the courts will interpret the Regulation. makes no declaration, promise, or guarantee regarding the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of this content, guidance, and consulting, does not assume any obligation for results or diligence towards anyone, expressly excludes and denies liability for any cost, loss, or damages suffered as a result of using the content.

The objective of the website’s content is to convey up-to-date and accurate information.

Rustik House cannot guarantee that these pages do not contain errors and ensures that all diligence will be made to ensure correct information and remedy any errors.

Anyone who wants to obtain one of the services presented on the site is kindly requested to contact Rustik House through one of the means displayed on the Contact page of the site to find out about the availability of the service in question as well as about the contractual conditions, tariffs, and technical information or other nature.

When you are asked for information through this site, it is intended to identify you or the possibility to contact you. This is all the more necessary when using the applications available on the site.

The nature of the information requested refers specifically to personal data (name, address, phone numbers), email address, how the products and/or services of Rustik House are used or intended to be used, but may also include other information closely related to the use of the requested services and/or products.

In order to better respond to the needs and questions of users of the site, the information requested through this site will be subject to electronic storage and processing.

This site may contain links or references to other sites considered by Rustik House to be useful in connection with the content of the site and that are not under its control or guidance. When using these links or references, the general terms of use corresponding to those sites will apply.

Rustik House cannot guarantee/control the accuracy/currentness of the information present on the websites of third parties, to which reference is made from its website.

Anyone who visits the site and provides data or information of a personal nature through this site expressly and unequivocally agrees to the following: the processing of this data